Poetry As Inner Sparks Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Poetry As Inner Sparks

Poetry is a splendent jewel
Moulded under talent's flame
By tiny tools of inner sparks
Out of bright aureate strips
Processed thro' life's trials' ore
Extracted from innards of mine
Hidden within the human mind.

Poet is an architect, finest builder,
A blessed sculptor blended in one;
Sculpts, builds, designs in concert,
He raises elegant edifice of words
Held on pillars of deep insight
Reinforced with talent's sparks
Based on the base of inner wisdom.

Poetry is a flight in endless vacuum
Of fancies, fantasies and dreams
Held to the Earth by reality's thread;
Poetry is a wild coloury kite
Roaming over horizons all round
In rhymes, and rhythms of charm
Those carry it afloat to the sky.

Sensibilities in magical rhythms,
Poetry implodes to diverse senses
In fertile minds of connoisseurs;
Poetry is mine of hidden treasures,
Poetry is field of scattered diamonds
Only brightest talents do lay out,
Talented word-smiths only construct.

Poetry flows like Himalayan streams
Freshly melted from the talent's warmth,
Flows in dance thro' valleys and drops,
Turns and twists over rising peaks
In crystal waters of bluish white hues
In salubrious air that freshes mind,
And warms within by flashes of truths.

Poetry's lightening, poetry's thunder,
Poetry is the gale of uncovered truth
Packed in words of musical rhythms,
Delivered in verse as stanzas or parts,
But held in one in its hidden soul
In sense and rhythm and sensibilities
Those build a bridge ‘tween poet and world.

Not a handmaid of poet is poetry,
She is Queen, his inspiration's key;
She traps him, taps and decides when
And how to rush and mould herself;
He can't her stop, nor force to start,
He is in her labour and works for her;
Poetry is supreme, poet is at her feet.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: inspiration,poems,poet,poetry
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