Pol Pot Poem by Francis Duggan

Pol Pot

Cambodia's worst ever mass murderer to him Human life was so cheap
Of his thousands of innocent victims he never did lose any sleep
Remembered for all of the wrong reasons Pol Pot now with his Nation's dead
The darkness in his soul died with him and not one good word of him can be said.

Not the first or the last mass murderer Pol Pot was a terrible man
To rid Cambodia of it's cultured people he was the one who hatched that plan
One might say one bad one of many but surely he was not the last
To be guilty of serious crimes against Humanity will we ever learn from the past?

Pol Pot was far from a wise fellow how come people like him can wield such power?
His brutal regime lacked compassion but life on the oppressive criminals eventually turned sour
A hunted man and a social outcast he died like all of his kind the death of shame
He murdered many good and decent people and now only repulsion at the mention of his name.

Pol Pot the brutal tyrant of Cambodia one guilty of shameful crimes against Humanity
He greatly abused the power he had at his disposal one of the worst in living memory
His victims are in mass graves in their thousands men, women, children and many in their prime
Mostly well educated and very cultured people to be different it was their only crime

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