Political Essay......... Water Gate Scandal Poem by Rommel Mark Dominguez Marchan

Political Essay......... Water Gate Scandal

Write a brief critique from an administrative perspective of President Nixon's ' uncontrolled exercise of power.'


Power itself has infinite power. Once your personality is shrouded by too much craving of power, you are run out of reason. And this line of reason might veiling over Nixon's head down to his allies and ' plumbers'. They were stung by their own powerful venom. They had clouded by their own selfish ambitions and had forgotten their ' mortality' in authority. Their heart solely nailed down fixedly on their fame, prestige, glory but they had forgotten the accountability of being a public figures.
They had forgotten the constitution, their loyalty and integrity. Most of all they had neglected the people, whose trust and confidence longing for them with good services and administation.
They had taken for granted people's liberties instead they had created an avenue of threats against freedom, justice and equality.
They had forgotten or intentionally waived their senses that their authority was a great danger towards the people and the country. Executive branch has great powers legally acquired and has tremendous physical force. Once it is being spoiled and unguarded, Nixon will be become tyrant, dictator, authoritarian horribly dangerous to threat to humanity.
It might be true that President Nixon had no intention to be a modern world imperialistic dictator but his proven misconduct, misdemeanors and high crimes committed with his allies considered enough as a soft-totalitarian approach against people's democracy.
And that all rose up from uncontollable exercise of his executive power.
Then, Nixon's glorious days floated for awhile eventually it was withered away with a shameful exit.

Thanks for the democratic rules in upholding check and balance principles..................................

Rommel Mark Dominguez Marchan

Rommel Mark Dominguez Marchan

a.k.a. Jetfellow Marchanism
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