'Possums In A Trailerpark Poem by Kelly Boutin

'Possums In A Trailerpark

We don’t own all that much,
sometimes we hang by our tail
but our mobile home is full of love
and that will never fail
because our hope comes from above
and in God we will prevail.

We have all the riches we could need
and plenty more to share
money cannot buy you peace
when you’ve sold all your prayers
God gave us a place to lean
because He’s the one who cares.

We don’t follow any religion
we just follow God
Jesus doesn’t like divisions
you either are or you are not
just because you call yourself a Christian
doesn’t mean your soul is washed.

No one has to dress fancy
to be part of the Lord’s church
as long as you are clean inside
that’s all that matters
you can wear your old blue jeans
and still praise Him in a farm shirt.

We have a ‘possum for a preacher
in our King James congregation
we sit on plastic lawn chairs
in a trailer-hood pavilion
and learn about our Savior
and the grace of salvation.

We just have to follow Him
and He’ll lead the way
if we turn away from sin
we’ll reach those pearly gates
with Jesus to guide us in
on our lullaby train.

Us ‘possums are always free
in our trailer-hooded park
and we promise to never leave
we’ll stay just as we are
teaching others to believe
what we’ve already ‘sewed in our hearts.’

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