Practice Patience Poem by Theresa Ann Moore

Practice Patience

Traveling along the highway
To an appointed destination
Traffic flowed without delay
Arriving… meeting expectations

Upon driving a retraced route
An obstacle was encountered
Cars crept along… creating doubt
The sight was definitely a downer

Railroad crossing gates were ahead
Round red lights alternately flashed
A dwindling pace came to a stop instead
Ideas of a speedy return were trashed

One by one drivers turned around
Leaving the line of idling frustration…
I joined the parade of hurried frowns
Seeking an escape from exasperation

Now my purposeful direction is reversed
Where is a road that will take me homeward?
Finding myself unfamiliar and unrehearsed…
Feeling unstrung as progress went backward

At first opportunity, a turn takes me south
Encouraged and gaining speed I see a blockade
Road closed; now follow the arrow roundabout
The hope of seeing a familiar sight is delayed

With a prayer, traveling through a small town
Never been here before; the homes are quaint…
On a friendly narrow street I am slowing down
I’m shaking my head with conscious restraint

Boxcars with graffiti click-clack along a rail
Resigned to the wait, I put my car in park
As the train proceeds at the pace of a snail
I remain calm and control disparaging remarks


Richard Laroquette 05 February 2008

Great work..........excellent message

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Theresa Ann Moore

Theresa Ann Moore

Michigan, U.S.A.
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