Pray For Howard Poem by Denis Martindale

Pray For Howard

How hard life hits our Christian friend, the one who shares so much,
Throughout this life until the end, no more our hands to touch,
When praying hands stay far apart, not as we prayed before,
Nor gentle beating of the heart, from where prayers start for sure.
A Christian heart stays full of love and God's amazing grace,
Content that Christ's grace proves enough, though setbacks can take place,
To steal away the hopes within, the joy that nestles there,
To sabotage, like mortal sin, that brings the heart despair.
When pains can linger like a cloud that hides the sun on high,
Such that we pray, with our heads bowed, perhaps just asking, WHY?
How hard life gets for great and small, before our very eyes,
While life is still God's miracle, he who wins souls is wise,
For there remains eternity, with Jesus as our friend,
And those we prayed for faithfully, on that we can depend.
Yet in the meantime, saints still pray, for ministers on Earth,
For congregations night and day, for ministries of worth,
For all who share Christ's Cross worldwide, for all both young and old,
Because Christ lives, though crucified! The greatest story ever told!
So pray for every pioneer, faithful in little things,
And knights in armour year-by-year, who serve the King of Kings.

Denis Martindale. January 2021.

This poem is a prayer for Howard Conder
and family and friends of Revelation TV's
Christian ministry on UK Sky channel 581.

Pray For Howard
Saturday, January 9, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: prayers
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