Preparations For Victory Poem by Edmund Blunden

Preparations For Victory

Rating: 3.2

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Crystal Rosser 14 October 2014

Delusional and a sense of grim romanticism in here. I found a bit of humor in this as well. Classic poetic technique. Touche!

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Gangadharan Nair Pulingat 14 October 2014

Great poem and wonderful ideas and word power. I likes it very much.

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Aftab Alam Khursheed 14 October 2014

ends in grave the victory of human being thanks for this attempt

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MAHTAB BANGALEE 30 January 2023

Days or eternities like swelling waves Surge on, and still we drudge in this dark maze; ~ excellent poem penned

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Sylvia Frances Chan 03 July 2024

CONGRATS being chosen by Poem Hunter and Team as The Modern Poem Of The Day.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 03 July 2024

FINAL: Brilliantly worded and powerful poem about The WW. I have enjoyed tremendously

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Sylvia Frances Chan 03 July 2024

THREE: The imagery and emotions in the poem convey the struggle faced by those caught in the midst of conflict

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Sylvia Frances Chan 03 July 2024

TWO: The speaker, who is a soldier, tries to remain optimistic and focused on his duty, but he cannot ignore the grim reality of his surroundings.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 03 July 2024

ONE: Preparations For Victory by Edmund Blunden reflects the disillusionment and horrors of World War I. The poem contrasts the beauty of nature with the devastation and suffering caused by the war.

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Edmund Blunden

Edmund Blunden

London / England
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