Protecting You (From Covid) Poem by Randy McClave

Protecting You (From Covid)

Though you might laugh and scoff
Because I won't take it off,
I also took a shot in the arm
So, I can protect you from harm
Though at me you might scoff and laugh
I won't let you walk down deaths path
And for you and your children I hope and pray
As I distance myself 6 feet away.
I don't want you or your family to get sick
So, in my arm the needle did prick,
I'm sorry that in love we can't embrace
But, for love I wear a mask over my face.
I wear seatbelts wherever or whenever I drive
To my destination I want to arrive alive,
My friends and family wear them as well
If they don't, they will after I yell.
So, whenever we meet on the road or on the street
I will always wave at you as we greet,
Wearing a mask and taking a shot of course I did do
And I did it also for your family and you.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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