Put On An Orange Kerchief, Poem by Liza Sud

Put On An Orange Kerchief,

Put on an orange kerchief,
So that to daze me more.
Orange is also perfect.
when as the sun it burns.

I watch you in the distance,
the green sounds like a call,
but I can't come, what a pity:

not all the acts are closed.
You are inspiration forever,
Don't know the secret of it.
and maybe in any of raiment -
a poet will be at your feet.

You are the Muse, the Muse of vernal,
and vigor again starts to beat,
the burden of acts is forgotten,
and the heart issinging at ease!


Наденьте оранжевый галстук,
чтоб больше меня восхитить,
Оранжевый - тоже прекрасно,
когда он, как cолнце, горит.

Я вижу тебя в отдаленьи,
зеленый звучит, как призыв,
прийти не могу, к сожаленью,
все акты пока не закрыв.

Вы - вечное вдохновенье.
Не знаю я, в чем здесь секрет,
Наверно, в любом облаченьи -
у ног Ваших будет поэт.

Ты - Муза, весенняя Муза,
и снова энергия бьет,
и сверки забыты с их грузом,
и сердце свободно поет!

Friday, December 16, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: love and dreams
Daniel Brick 16 December 2016

Your poem begins with a vision of the Muse. At first she is not identified but her orange scarf gives her a shining, almost blinding quality - she is already pouring her light into space and the speaker is already soaking up her light. But the speaker cannot come closer. As Eliot put it, HUMANKIND CANNOT BEAR TOO MUCH REALITY. We must be humble and know our place; the Muse gives us her spiritual gift of inspiration but we cannot POSSESS her. And the last line - THE HEART IS SINGING AT EASE - the poet has already been inspired to make song, poetry, and it is not difficult: the song flows out of the poet the same way her inspiration flowed into him/her - with astonishing ease. I love this poem: the light it sheds is brilliant, the rapport between Muse and poet is generous, mutually appreciative. It must certainly symbolic of a human mind focused, wholesome, as Yeats put it: I COULD BLESS AND BE BLESSED. That is the give-and-take, the mutuality we long for, when there is continual renewal of everything that is spent. Or again as Yeats put this blessed condition in an image: WHO CAN KNOW THE DANCER FROM THE DANCE? This is a wonderful poem about poetry, Liza, an Ars Poetica for sure.

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