Que Sera, Sera Poem by ivor or ivor.e hogg

Que Sera, Sera

Rating: 5.0

Que Sera, Sera

A New Year lies ahead of us. I must admit I’m curious.
to see if experts prophecies will turn out to be theories.
Which passing time will not sustain and leave the experts to explain.
Just how and why they got it wrong I’m sure they’ll sing the same old song.
We’re only men what we express is just an educated guess.
You have to place it in context. They do not know what will come next.
No more than any other man.Although they all profess they can
interpret the faint signs they see and can predict with accuracy.
What events will come to be but get it wrong consistently
That’s why I listen cynically and mostly unbelievingly.
When experts choose to air their views, I find their words of little use.
I much prefer to wait and see: What fate decrees will come to be..

http: // blog.myspace.com/poeticpiers

I wish you all a happy and peaceful 2009

Thad Wilk 01 January 2009

Hey Ivor i agree - que sera, sera what will be, will be.. Unfortunately, some won't agree with you an me and can't wait for fate an it's decree.. / Great read as always! ! *10*! Friend Thad

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ivor or ivor.e hogg

ivor or ivor.e hogg

Hebburn.Co Durham U.K
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