Quebec In Canada Is A Racist Province (1) Poem by Chan Mongol

Quebec In Canada Is A Racist Province (1)

Rating: 5.0

August 1st,2009

Quebec in Canada, got 16th century's lives and rules!
Here, I met bureaucratic, anti-public bulls!
Here, I didn't speak French and I have had hell!
I tried years but they didn't renew card for my medical!

They do not care if you live or die in disease!
Does not matter how hard you beg on your knees!
The whole world is updating, rising and changing!
Bloody Quebec in Canada is not adjusting, progressing!

Francophone folks sailed here and took Indian land!
They wanted others to bend over before their band!
Ethics, logic, good laws, outcry, they do not care!
In arrogance, ignorance, they remained very unfair!

Here, bureaucratic officials do big offences!
Their violations of rights is giving tenses!
They do not care for remedies of diseases!
They do not care if they live in big messes!

You cannot have a civil life if you do not know French!
For sure, , your good life will be a hell at a glance!
Discrimination with autocratic doctrines and rules!
I am sorry for them, as they are just bunch of fools!

Quebec in Canada, got 16th century's lives and rules!
Here, I met bureaucratic, anti-public bulls!
Here, I didn't speak French and I have had hell!
I lived years but they didn't renew my card for medical!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: living,politics,rules
Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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