Queen Elizabeth - Dutiful And Humble Until The Last Poem by Bernedita Rosinha Pinto

Queen Elizabeth - Dutiful And Humble Until The Last

Charming and beautiful when young
a queen in real life until her very last breath;
also a loving wife and a mother with age
a ruler, a monarch all thro' her years of life;
so wonderful in nature and character,
dutiful and responsible as her country's ruler
ever-smiling and happy as summers swiveled by;
where would you ever find a queen so full of charisma
where could you find a queen so full of grace and humbleness
except in England in those palaces of love and endurance.

And though a queen with all the guards around her,
her esteem never made her feel above others;
she was so down to earth and a wonder
she was a woman who made others feel so cordial
she loved people as much as her people loved her;
the world will miss her and her decency
she was one among those so royal and noble.

The love of her life was just one until his very end
she honored him and respected him so faithfully;
and as decades drifted away her past gallantry
even in these final years of time she stood firmly
and accepted all that life offered to her
whether it was the joy she felt to see her grandchildren
or whether it was the honor she felt to celebrate
her platinum jubilee as a Queen of England.

She will be remembered for her love and her fortitude,
for her endurance and her resilience
which carried her over from one decade to another;
with her marvelous attitude she encouraged unity,
she will remain in the hearts of her people forever
when the books of history will write her name
and mention - once upon a time, there lived a queen
whose smile was so enchanting and she was so beautiful;
she had many palaces but just one heart
which was so full of love and humanity.

Queen Elizabeth - Dutiful And Humble Until The Last
Thursday, September 8, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: queen
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