Railroad Platforms Poem by Tom Billsborough

Railroad Platforms

On railroad platforms shadows stream,
Hurry home to painted dreams
Unleashed from bare necessity
Wishing they were truly free
In the comfort of their homes.
And yet I see intensity
Still grips them in its iron claw
Since though in crowds they are alone
Shadows streaming in one flow.

Monday, July 22, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: depression
Susan Williams 09 September 2019

That was extraordinary how you put across an intense feeling of melancholy in a scene of hustle bustle at a railroad station. You are an exceptional poet, I am never disappointed and often am challenged by your skills

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wes vogler 22 July 2019

I am going to re publish my four part train trip on poemhunter My Name Is Louise parts 16 17 18 19 England's i987 hurricane thru thye eyes of a little girl and her father

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Jane Campion 22 July 2019

The shadows of others and within can carry us to dark places.

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tom billsborough 22 July 2019

H Jane, I was thinking of Eliot's lines in The Waste Land " people, humble people who connect nothing with nothing. I'm not so pessimistic as he was but I sometimes feel a twinge of sadness when i look round Railroad platforms. It's hard to explain but your phrase " dark places" is part of it. Thanks for your comment.

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Tom Billsborough

Tom Billsborough

Preston Lancashire England
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