Regards To The Mouse Poem by Randy McClave

Regards To The Mouse

You are sleeping inside your nest
Because of you I can't get any rest,
I know that you are somewhere hiding
If only I knew where you were residing,
I see you peeking around every now and then
And when I do.. I think where you have been,
And then when I hear your menacing, "eek"
I become frightened, and I will shriek.
I am over a hundred times your tiny size
But, you still bring terror to my eyes,
When I hear you scampering here and there
I'm terrified you'll run up my leg, or into my hair,
I want you out of my house
You filthy, nasty, little disgusting mouse,
I can always sense your stealing and your odor
You are nothing more than a freeloader.
I hate seeing you scampering across the floor
Or in my clothes as I think that I have wore,
I am so tired of your nasty, filthy being
Of you I no longer wanna hear or seeing,
Do you think that you are the one who is strong
And who is doing to me no harm or wrong,
This is my house and my domain
It is where I live, and I sleep, and here only I reign.
I am going to set up a trap
From you, your life I will happily sap
And then when I hear that final "eek! "
Remember it was you, and not me that was weak.

Randy L. McClave

Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: mouse
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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