Removing My: : Layers: : Poem by Crystal Johnson

Removing My: : Layers: :

Rating: 5.0

I have many layers.
Each and every layer represents a part of me.
With out them to hide behind, I wouldn’t know how to endure.
But I think it’s time that I remove my coatings.
I can only live concealed beneath them for so long.
So here goes….

: : Layer 1: :

I am now removing all my insecurities.
I’m saying good-bye to my low self-esteem.
Never again will I say, “I’m not good enough.”
Never again will I say, “I’m not pretty enough.”
And never again will I say, “I’m not worth it.”

: : Layer 2: :

I am now eliminating all my resentment.
I am letting go of old grudges that I have been holding for so long.
I am releasing all my anger that has been locked deep inside of me.
I will not hold anyone responsible for my fury.
I will not keep that fury inside any longer to eat away at me.

: : Layer 3: :

I am now removing all my despair.
I will not keep feeling sorry for myself.
Instead, I will focus on all the things I am grateful for.
I will not live in an unhappy state of mind.
I will not live in misery.
I refuse to give into this depression,
I will be joyful for the things I have and the person I am.

: : Layer 4: :

With nothing else to remove, you will now see who I really am.
My last layer is the true me.
I will not be ashamed of who I have become.
I will keep my head held high as you examine me, with no layers to hide behind.
I will be proud of what you see.
I will not feel naked without my covers for security.

Underneath it all is a person you would be proud of.
Underneath it all is a girl that has done well.
Underneath it all is a child that has done all she could,
And is confident with the outcome.

From now on, I will be who I have always wanted to be.
And that can be nothing other than
: : Me: :
And nothing will hold me back.

Mary Nagy 27 February 2006

This is such an empowering poem Crystal! I think you are going to be've definitely got what it takes to survive in this crazy world! You'll see how much better off you are without the ''layers''. The only way to work through emotions is to really feel it...raw and real. Then you can work through it and be done with it, once and for all! Sincerely, Mary

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Scarlett Treat 26 February 2006

Stand up TALL, stand up PROUD and shout it out My dear Crystal. I am so proud of you for reaching this point in your life. I know it hasn't been easy, but learning to let go of all the anger and resentment, and not holding it all inside is the first step on the road to our journey. Would that I could have been this wise at your age. Linda

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Crystal Johnson

Crystal Johnson

Maury County, Tennessee
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