A tumbleweed is
A living thing.......but,
When it dies,
Breaking free of its earth ties,
I have a secret,
One that has only
Right here in Public...
It is the fortune of poeple
that the shadows
of our futures do not
lie heavy
Did you forget me in the woods,
left with empties in a green trash can
with the screen on top?
When I die,
Oh, bury me, please,
'Neath the budding
Of Springtime's Weeping Willow Tree,
Sometime before my time,
There lived a man...
Full of adventure,
Who traveled the land.
Into the deepest night flow
Sweet words of love and happiness!
I can lie very still,
With your arms around me,
She had a scarlet box,
In which she kept
Every single treasure
She ever owned...
The house beside the road,
Where people lived
And children played,
Is empty now
In my mind trips, I traveled
The shape of your body at least
A thousand times, until I knew
Each contour,
The road of ease
is so lovely.
It is tempting to go that way
because it makes
The Militant Soldier Boy
Lies dying. In shame,
His body lies in disgrace,
Because he could no longer face
Walking Softly,
Quietly, so quietly,
Through the woodland,
Sparkling with raindrops,
IF I were six feet tall,
I wouldn't be short
At all!
But here I am,
There are times
When dull, useless words
Can be polished - - -
Buffed until they shine
Uncompromisingly brilliant pictures
are companions caught in memory,
delicious together in harmony,
softened sepias and gentle pastels.
Hi, Fellow poetry lovers! I officially retired from working recently, after a lifetime of hard labor, but then I found out that retirement wasn't enough to live on, so I am back at work, Part-time only! I still have enough time to do some of the things I love. I am a member of the Mississippi Poetry Society, The National Poetry Society, The Northeast Mississippi Art Association, The Mississippi Writer's Guild, and a new group that is meeting, so new that we don't have an official name as yet, so we call ourselves Daddy's Lame Duck Poet's Society. My main pleasure in life, however, is my three grown children and their five children. Those Grandchildren are what keep me young and looking forward! Since coming on PH, I have learned so much and made a great group of friends worldwide! My poetry writing has seemed to improve, both from reading others work and help from others here on this site, so I love being here.)
A tumbleweed is
A living thing.......but,
When it dies,
Breaking free of its earth ties,
Gaining freedom from need
For land, water and seed,
It goes rolling along,
Having a poem,
Or even a song
Written about it,
Sung around the campfire
By lonely wranglers,
Or by Wannabe Cowboys,
Alone in some saloon
Somewhere West of the Pecos.
Tumbleweeds never die,
Except to be born again
As the free spirit
Of the western movies.
Scarlett is a Treat! Pain and beauty walk hand in hand with her sultry Southern songs. And not only is her poetry a joy, she is a truly lovely woman. So I would advise all of you to read her work then send her a message - so you too can enjoy the friendship of this amazin' chick! Hugs Anna xxx
Scarlett is not only a great friend but a poet of note. Her poetry is a pleasure to read, her humour abounds, her sweetness shines through her writing and you won't be disappointed when you start to read her work. A delightful lady that I am honoured to know.
Well baby if I'm the bottom...you're the tops. I doff my trilby to ya! love Donall Donall
Southern Belle Scarlett, aka Linda, has been a staunch supporter of mine at PH for some stretch of time now (Oh, it must be nearly a year and a half) and I applaud her loyalty. Her poems possess a passionate sincerity of genuine feeling, employing an economical language easily understood; concise and to the point with absolutely no ornamental baubles attached. Yeah, short and sweet and always a treat, that's my Scarlett! And by the by folks, she just happens to be one upstanding, generous, considerate and dynamic individual who won't back down to self-admiring braggarts. Scarlett is often a mint julep on a sweltering Mississippi afternoon in July, refreshing and tasteful. Quite frankly, my dear, I am glad to have met your cyber-space acquaintance, and as a result, I doff my fedora to your slendid elegance. Multiple hugs and kisses, Greg
What a poet. A powerful, gifted writer, her work is raw and passionate like the Southern landscape she heralds from, yet always well crafted and with a lovely turn of phrase. Scarlett, many thousand miles part us, but you are a kindred spirit. Dan xxx
This lady has written some real gems. Amongst my personal favourites are 'Roses in December' (a beautiful melody) , 'Seaside Song' (a rich and sensuous set of images) , and 'The Photograph' (a slice of nostalgic brilliance) . Then there's her 'I Bleed'. If you are of faint-hearted nature, then I caution you strongly not to visit it; it is a seriously high-impact, passionate portrayal of bitter pain. Yes, the above are fine pieces of writing indeed. Long live you, Scarlett!