My channel catfish
"The little shark", "King of pond"
Its life was just gone.
My channel catfish
Biggest fish of my Koi pond
Died one summer morn.
My eyes fill with grief
Twenty seven years ended
Oh my dear catfish!
In garden, it rests
Among flowers and insects
Crickets sing my blues.
Written first as Haiku but then revised as Senryu 1/24/2018
He was a bold and powerful king of that pond for much of my own life! He will be missed.
Sorry to hear your Channel Catfish died after 27 years. Your Haiku poem is very interesting.10 marks.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Thank you for sharing your lost. Your Haiku poem is very thoughtful. 10 marks.
Thank you for reading my poem.