Rich Man's Heaven Poem by Randy McClave

Rich Man's Heaven

Rich people are telling the other rich
Then they tell the middle class to dig a ditch,
And the rich telling us to fight for them in a war
And also how we should hate the poor.
We shouldn't pay more taxes the rich person screams
They don't have enough money as though it seems,
And the middle class gets taxed to pay more tax
So, the rich man can have more to vacation and relax.
The rich man wants us to serve and fight for them
And to fight in wars and to engage both hell and mayhem,
While the soldiers drink water the rich drinks scotch
While we serve and battle they just sit back and read and watch.
The rich person don't want us to have what they do
They don't want us to have a holiday to where they flew,
And of course they don't want our clothes to be like theirs
And for us and our needs and wants, they have no cares.
Though the camel might be old and very feeble
It will still easily pass through an eye of a needle,
But, it's even easier for a camel to pass through it twice
Than for a rich man to ever make it to heaven, paradise

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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