Roads And Routes Poem by ifedayo oshin

Roads And Routes

There are ways everywhere, if only we will create it.
The roads we take today were once impassable yesterday...
Humanity can take different roads and routes to more exciting places,
To discover more new world or discover the old anew
It all depends on us...

There was no way in the sky till we created an aircraft,
No way on the sea until we built boat and ship.
There places we are not reaching
For none has dared to create a path to it
Although, it seems impassable,
But I am convinced there is no place we can not reach
If only we will create a road and means to get us there.

And atimes, we need not search further,
For there are ways open but we do not use
Because we fail to see it
Many routes used by the ancients
Many more that has never been trodden
Some other routes used in far and near lands unknown to us
There are ways everywhere, if only we will discover it

There are roads inside of us, but unknown
Leading to places locked within our souls
With promises of love, strength and magical gifts
There are routes within us
Leading to the longed-for heights
Where we can discover and rediscover ourselves as we could be
There are ways everywhere, if only we look sometimes inwardly

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