Rolls Somewhere Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Rolls Somewhere

Layers of time buildup human life,
Series of experience builds his self,
Knocks from all sides, its rude shocks
Heat his self and beat him to shapes;
Only then he shines like sovereign gold,
Soft and bright, pure like crystals,
Fluid and ripe like fullmoon brilliance,
Like a gem in midst of broken glasses.

What he sees expands his vision,
What he hears embeds in his self,
Pains and joy widely stir his life,
Each enriches him inside his self;
Grief like hot flare blunts his edges,
Red-hot heat softens hard faces,
Melts impurities, saves inner core
That shines in glow natural to his self.

He rises and falls, rolls left and right
In all directions like waves in ease
To reach and add to wider wisdom,
To learn the ropes to navigate life;
Some are painful, some, truly joyous,
All of them tools for goals ahead
To reach and build his farther goals
In the endless sail of self somewhere.

Life is hard sail full of rough hurdles
To build hard sinews for farther sail
To reach the shore across the channel,
Where none but the fittest only reaches;
Nature gives time, and nature, patient,
It waits for each to learn his rope,
So each at his pace keeps his hope
And rolls with time where he must reach.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: life,philosophy
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