Rough Terrain Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Rough Terrain

When I dig deep into memory's lane
And unlock layers from dark stacks,
I wonder whether you're humankind
Or the very soul of love in human form,
Come in avatar to bless me with bliss,
Not once, but twice in my single life;
It is blinding flash when you break out,
And lingering deep blindness when fade out;
Inbetween is pure bliss transcending lives,
Transcending deep blindness that succeeds that.

The passage I traverse in memory's lane,
An ocean of tears of grief and pain
Of turbulent tides rising to heaven,
Only to bring bliss everlasting to soul.

As I dig deep down in memory's lane
To the sanctum sanctorum of my soul,
I find you on throne sitting like queen
Amidst golden halo surrounding you,
Deep in the passage of memory's lane,
Resting like Pole Star in northern sky;
Volcanoes, cyclones, torrential rains
Touched not a whit your grandeur;
Like cream in milk and moonlight in moon
In concinnity you sit in peaceful abode.

The road you traversed to reach the abode,
Riddled with terrains of rocks and thorns;
You fell and rose, you cried and bled,
But ran steadfast to reach your throne.

I watched you across the rough terrain,
Bled while you bled, and cried, while cried;
I fell and rose while you fell and rose
And followed in anguish progress you made;
You lost your way for three decades once,
Shattering confidence ingrained in me;
Resurfaced again while I lost all hopes
And instilled confidence that it is you
And ran your race on the merciless terrain
Till reached your goal and installed there.

The bliss it all brings is immortal for both,
Though grief and pain lingered ‘neath
And shattered our lives for endless years;
For, no bliss is bliss but for bitter tears.

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