Sacred Light Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Sacred Light

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We like one's twine eyes
Began exploring the paradise
Of intimate world
Of each other’s colours and light
And pulsations that radiate from each,
That makes us, us –
The colour and fragrance of same flower,
The light and thunder of the same cloud,
Inseparable light of the same lamp –
And wind ourselves to closer bond
Of spirals that never unwind
And glow as one to divine heights
And give golden glow to the God there
By our love
That exceeds His scope.

We were true
To passions we had,
We were right
To what we sought from soul,
And walked ahead in right earnest;
It was a cruise in coloured world,
Of lovely dream-world beyond bounds
With winged fairies serving us both
While higher we rose in togetherness,
And sucked honey milk from each other
On the soft bed of lotus petals
And drugged in joy
In joyous embrace,
We forgot the world outside us,
Embedded ourselves in each other.

It was a pure ecstasy then,
But lost in it,
Insight wrapped in each other,
We lost our path to the God’s world
And found ourselves directionless;
We’re for each, no doubt in it,
All ecstasy floods roaringly there,
We belong to each beyond all time,
But lost in space and time’s cauldron
In endless void around us
With no hope of God’s world for now,
Ecstasy coexisting with fear and sorrow;
We know, the time is hard now,
But the light we bear deep within us
A day us leads to the divine height.

In ecstasy, in fear, in grief and pain,
We navigate the void hand in hand,
We bear the loss, we, hurdles cross,
And trace our path ahead together
To reach our post however far is it,
And give golden glow to the God there
By our love
That exceeds His scope;
Love gives hope, hope gives strength,
And strength spurs us to walk abreast;
Love is light, immortal and bright,
Hurdles and grief only stoke its flame
And spread its reach and give it strength;
Those bound in the flame of love in soul –
Not two, but one, shedding sacred light.

Monday, March 10, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: love
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