Secret 2 Poem by Mohammad Younus

Secret 2

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The Qibla of my heart is His face - radiant as the sun!
The Kába of my soul is the dust of the road...
...that leads to Him.

The fragrance of His hair-locks fills the whole world
My Amity with or attraction to the things around... due to the fragrance emitting from Him...
...that I smell with my heart's nose.

Belief and disbelief -light and darkness- in the world... solely the reflection of His moonlit face and His pitch-dark locks.

The arrows of affliction that rain on any Lover...
...are unleashed from His curved eyebrows... test his patience and devotion to Him.

Your every lover in the world is bound to you...
...because your perfumed locks... a noose around their necks pulled them

Every rose that blooms in the garden of existence...
...ows its existence to the water of life...
... that flows from His stream.

The dejected lovers - deprived of beloved's sight...
...whine and wail at early dawn...
...when beseeching for revealing His face

The fire that is blazing in my soul... ignited by the glances...
...of his magical daffodil-like eyes

I did not find in this world a cure for my woes... anything save in the grief for my beloved
It is only He who has the power to heal

Even if both the world- Here and Hereafter- annihilate
Your lovers, aggrieved with separation, do have...
... affinity and inclination towards you.

O Ali, how long will you go from door to door...
...seeking ointment for your wounded heart?
The healing therapy for your wounded heart... available only with Him.

Shah e Hamadan

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