Security Poem by William Stafford


Rating: 3.8

Tomorrow will have an island. Before night
I always find it. Then on to the next island.
These places hidden in the day separate
and come forward if you beckon.
But you have to know they are there before they exist.

Some time there will be a tomorrow without any island.
So far, I haven't let that happen, but after
I'm gone others may become faithless and careless.
Before them will tumble the wide unbroken sea,
and without any hope they will stare at the horizon.

So to you, Friend, I confide my secret:
to be a discoverer you hold close whatever
you find, and after a while you decide
what it is. Then, secure in where you have been,
you turn to the open sea and let go.

Edward Kofi Louis 02 September 2015

To be a discoverer with the muse of life. Nice work.

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Pijush Biswas 02 September 2015

A philosophical poem.Perhaps the poet sometimes felt lonliness in his days and counted them as separate island. thanks

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Ramesh T A 02 September 2015

A poem of riddle as secret is! Only a friend of the poet can decipher and hold it with him!

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E F 30 August 2006

Deep and philosophical. I am taken to feel I will choose to treasure in the moment what I am holding and then to let it go, so that I can rediscover it over and over again in a new way or wave. This poem dances and preaches me little pebbles of truth and luminosity. Inspires me to dream and release even my words to the great space within the web of technology

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