Shame Shame Shame Poem by Julia Luber

Shame Shame Shame

At least I made a good decision today. Which was NOT to go out.
Not to bother. Not to try with what was hanging over my head I
should have dealt with this evening. Nope. I'm wiped out. I don't
care. I can't deal with another thing. I don't know if I could have
even noticed somebody crossing the street through my sleepy eyes.
That's right-I might have drove right through them and killed 'em.
I don't know why. I am just that aggravated, exhausted and annoyed.
A doctor might say to me, "You're fat and jeopardizing your long term
health and experiencing exhaustion from being way overweight." And
I might believe that if that were to be told to me. But as it is, I am just
begging for sleep at five o clock on a Monday evening, trying to avoid
getting in an argument on Facebook with somebody blaming Trump
for these mass murders, giving him the power of God? To control people?
Is that what they are resorting to these days by keeping God out of the
schools. And so making sure God can not touch the heart of anybody
in the school system…..and perhaps help prevent somebody from doing
something like what happened over the weekend which actual Presidential
Candidates are saying was Trump's fault…..are adults allowed to think
that way and talk that way? I don't think so. Trump is not God and can
not control somebody into doing something that God might have been
able to prevent. But there is no God allowed in the school system. But
it's Trump's fault, so all the politicians feel they've done their job in what
they wanted to say for the day. As the weekend turns into tomorrow and
death feels around the corner, way too early, way too young, way too tired
of this shit and these stupid fuckin' people. Shame. Shame. Shame.

Monday, August 5, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: god
The idiocy of what people are writing on Facebook and what some politicians are stating about this tragedy is just unbearable. Pray for the families of the victims. Otherwise, shut up.
Jane Campion 05 August 2019

I agree wholeheartedly. Trump, the President, a mere politician, entrepreneur. We are all responsible for our own actions.

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Julia Luber 05 August 2019

I like your response…Trump- -a mere politician, entrepreneur. I don't want to get all hot headed about this again but they talk about him like they think he's God and can control people into killin g people! How weird! Thank you for agreeing with me. I feel quite lonely in my opinions sometimes.

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