She Lights My Soul Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

She Lights My Soul

I carry my queen in every heartbeat,
She whispers in every breath of me
And dazzles in the shine of my eyes;
She blossoms from smiles rise from soul.

She is horizons of all my thoughts,
She is my spring of all emotions,
Etched in gold in every cell of blood;
She, exists in every pore, all over me.

She is in me and I am in her always,
We are two faces of the same soul;
We think and feel in perfect unison
Like fragrances do in lovely blossoms.

She is my concept of beauty and love,
She is benchmark for honesty and truth;
She is simplicity, the nature in true form,
She is life-force that guides my dreams.

All things of beauty reveal her presence,
All truths bear her stamp and signature;
Honesty how valued and deep in love
I discover'd from her sincere gentle ways.

Elegant she is within, and without too,
And inspires subtle joy in one and all;
How much can be one selfless in life,
I found in her, in devotion of her soul.

She is confluence of the nature's charms,
Unpolluted by the twists the evils force;
She is the divine light in its sacred glow,
Unlike sunlight, fierce; full of gentle grace.

I honour womanhood, because she is one,
I regard humankind as she is one of them,
I love this wretched land as she is born here,
Everything she is for me, worthy of worship.

Not crazy I'm ever of anything worldly,
I know how angels and evils exist together;
She is an exception without an evil match,
An oasis in unexceptionally barren world.

She is joy and elegance in a lovely blend,
She is grace and peace in a pleasant mix;
She blossoms my heart and lights the soul
And makes all toils of life worthy to bear.

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