Shock At Heart Poem by Putri Misnia Shary Bahri

Shock At Heart

I can't believe I wasted my time half of my life
To love a men with all my heart to protect the
pure love I'am taken I already have a fiance
I loved him with all my heart

But your the men who break the heart over
and over again
The men who mark the wound a
hole in the heart
Its speechless to speak when
your heartbreak
A heart attack that shock
you with tears

Knowing you heart can't coup the pain
Knowing that you can't loved again, caused
the real pure love have no meaning to
him which never place in his heart
from the very start

Knowing that you have no one to share
your new year eve, loving memory was just a
lie full of lies caused he never loved you
No shoulder to place your head on to cry

Caused his love was all a lie he need what he need
He get what he get
He trash your heart away at the end
And trow you out of his life
And wave it all goodbye

And never look back or reach to him
even if you misses him knowing you can't
love or give the love out

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