Two tiger cubs, what do they know?
Just siblings side-by-side,
And in the cold, and on the snow
That stretched out far and wide.
They saw it fall from skies above,
So white and crystal clear,
And once considered just enough,
It wouldn't disappear.
So those two cubs then walked around
Upon the settled snow,
Which made a gentle crunching sound
Each step the cubs would go.
The novelty, of course, wore thin,
And so the two laid still,
Not seeing why they should begin
To climb that nearby hill.
The slope would be quite slippery,
A challenge, yet no more,
With nothing but white scenery,
And that now seemed a bore.
Accepting things as they occur,
Content with life as such,
The two cubs settled where they were...
They don't get out that much!
Denis Martindale. November 2020.
This poem is about the magnificent
painting of two Siberian tiger cubs
by wildlife artist Stephen Gayford.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem