Simple Life Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

Simple Life

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Know your world,
Look around;
Where you stand
Counts always.

Hark heartbeats,
Try to intuit;
What are buildups
Constitute world.

Build bridges across,
Irrespective of class;
Never you know,
Who will be what.

Delve to depths,
Dig out wealths;
Hidden, prove treasures
At crucial hours.

Decide your strengths,
Your strategic breadths;
Nothing is like
Knowing yourself.

Hide your pride,
Freely you ride
In and out
To win confidence.

Have all facts,
Then plan acts,
Decisively move
To carve a niche.

Be discreet always,
Right restraint pays;
Step in right time
To clinch a deal.

Excess never helps,
Shying away topples;
Whatever you do,
Moderation is best.

Set highest goals,
Burn in coals
To light your goals,
But detached inside.

Depend on self,
Seek not pelf
Others have,
For respected life.

Discipline brings grace
Discipline brings peace;
Limit yourself
By thoughtful fence.

Doubt not others,
Trust not either;
Give long rope
To hang themselves.

Have right friends,
Friendship mends
Invisible faults
Innate in you.

Read and read,
Always read
Books that breed
New horizons.

Don't live aloud,
Spilling life around;
Hiding and low
Have its benefits.

Right or left,
Does not fit;
Golden mean has
Most of gifts.

Why you compete,
Competition is fight;
Do your best
To reach the crest.

Be good to all
And stand tall;
Goodness, lubricant
That lubricates bonds.

Wherever you be,
Kindness is key
That unlocks in kind,
Sprouts true joy.

While facing evil,
Necessarily be civil;
Just remain back
And stay afar.

Go for little,
Attend with mettle
With all focus
To achieve height.

Live like yourself,
Live own life
Of own stamp
That distinguish you.

Measure the sky
To fly that high;
But never ignore
Where you belong.

Lower and poor
Plenty are there;
Share their grief
If you have soul.

Never divide man
By groups and clan;
Divide and rule
Leads to doom.

Never loose courage,
Nor show rage;
Cool courage wins
On own merit.

Death or life,
It's one life;
Dignified you live
Till the end.

Fell all wall,
Give your all
For all time,
It's true love.

Beauty, truth merit
Beyond time spirit,
Never flare up,
Never extinguish.

Descend from height,
Follow time spirit
Exact, accurate,
It's Kolaveri Di.

Nadi promised four,
One proved false,
One proved true,
As for two,
Chances are bleak.

Romeo Della Valle 17 March 2012

Your works are always inspirational and optimistic and I must thank you again for sharing this masterpiece with me and the World, hoping that this amazing write will touch the heart and mind of many depressed and brokenhearted people in this planet! Thank you for your message of Love and Peace! ! 10+++ Well deserved! God Bless You! Love and Peace for always! Romeo from New York City!

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