Sing My Way Home Poem by Margaret Alice Second

Sing My Way Home

I enjoy my coffee with cream and walk in the sun
with my parasol, this beautiful umbrella festooned
with pictures from Frozen on which I hang scarves
and strings with beads, singing as I go - accepting
all good things offered by the universe I stare at the
lemon-and-lime green of the trees as seen through

New golden brown lenses; I enjoy the diamond-bright
silver sunlight shining through the leaves as I float in
the pool happy and docile like a satisfied Crocodile; I
watch Pointless on BBC with my beloved and marvel
at the fact that my kids chose partners whose names
begin with an E: Estiaan and Eloise - both blessed

With allergies - fitting right in with me, I wonder at my
colleague's sunny disposition which accords with her
surname Sonnekus: kissed-by-the-sun - I'm amused
by our own Marie Antoinette who declares my artificial
flowers of deplorable taste and look,she says, holding
coasters brought from home, THIS is what good taste

Looks like; I hypocritically nod - today real flowers adorn
my desk and I have two super-boring and POINTLESS
documents to translate, providing a raison d'être as I'm
held safe by this work while not starting yet - so no fear
that I might get it wrong is rearing it's ugly head as yet,
sitting here breathing in Velikovsky's theories that

The universe is determined by electro-magnetic streams
and reading about the establishment suppressing all the
evidence which supports these in our return to the Black
Middle Ages' scholasticism, I'm happy and content with
peace in my heart - having survived the attempt on my
life I'm ready to sing my way home - leaving soon

Thursday, November 9, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: happiness
Gajanan Mishra 09 November 2017

happy and contend with peace, great life

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