Skipping A Stone Poem by Dillon Cranston

Skipping A Stone

Rating: 5.0

My youth went like the flame at the tip of a match.
Snowed hills caved in, the beach sands blew away,
Leaving behind the pleasant smell of sulfur,
And the feeling that there should have been more.

It went much like the Middle Ages,
When all at once, I hung up my sword in a museum,
And closeted away the armor I once wore on crusades,
Suddenly missing the days spent in the shade of an olive tree,
And wandering between the villas, not having to turn a head
To check for oncoming cars.

My children, too, grew up
Like a stone, skipping across a pond.
Each birthday party, another tap against the water,
Until all that remained were the ripples,
Stretching out slowly,
And smoothed over by a passing breeze

Saturday, May 26, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: time
Jazib Kamalvi 27 August 2020

Write comment. Such a nice poem, Dillon C. Read my poem, Love and Iust. Thanks

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Susan Williams 27 May 2018

This is beautiful... captivating.... original....those last six lines had me crying missing all those days of my children's childhood... I am putting this on my fav list and rating it 10++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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Bri Edwards 26 May 2018

(cont.) ..i'm also choosing this to be the 15th and last poem [ by fifteen PH poets ] to put into my June 2018 showcase of PH poems. my usually-monthly displays appear in my PH list of poems with a single title, which always contains a month and year. all poets get named with their poems. if you have questions, please ask a message, not a response to this comment. Thanks. bri :)

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Bri Edwards 26 May 2018

this is a very lovely poem! it runs smoothly, is 'clever', imaginative, and telling about your feelings very nicely, if not terribly precisely. i almost always use rhymes in my poems, but i did NOT miss reading rhymes in this one. it goes to MyPoemList. perhaps the most 'interesting' (to me) lines: Suddenly missing the days spent in the shade of an olive tree, And wandering between the villas, not having to turn a head To check for oncoming cars. ...haha. (continued) ..

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