So What Has Become Of The Yard Bird? Poem by Mark Heathcote

So What Has Become Of The Yard Bird?

The wind and the rain gather you.
Like petals in a rainstorm
So what has become of the yard bird?
That stirred the captive rainbows
To your and my fingertips

What has become of the rose?
That danced off her dew-wet shadows
And sang adjacent the jasmine stars
Sweetly scented at the first cut of hay

That lay in sobrieties corn circles
That lay in bed on this course way
A filly jumping over any such hurdles
Whatever happened to us

When did you slip through my fingers?
Like a broken rainbow
Like a rose long cut
No freshwater can ever save anymore

Oh, when did these chard's take thorn?
Was it something I did sadly wrong?
Like an overzealous gardener
Did I prune your rambling ways too soon?

What has become of the rose?
That danced off her dew-wet shadows
And sang adjacent the jasmine stars
Sweetly scented at the first cut of hay

That lay in sobrieties corn circles
That lay in bed on this course way
A filly jumping over any such hurdles
Whatever happened to my love to us

So what has become of the yard bird?
My pretty yard bird today...

Monday, November 19, 2012
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
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