for the people who neva helped me set my aim, dint help me realize it and are nt a cause of my failure i.e. dey jus arent related, but dey wont miss a chance to point out my failure. thanks to them, i got a slight taste of hell.
is failure that bad a thing?
that i should'nt be allowed to smile?
i screw my future, u trash my confidence
wasnt the failure good enuf for that?
i know i tried and thats all i got
and wts my life to you?
just splash your 'loser' taunts on my head
as if i stole ur life too
i dnt play safe and i wont
i will always want the best
i wont let you rule my game
my shoes werent made to follow the rest
i dnt mind failure, but ur taunts
i am sad but not guilty
i am strong enuf to try again
m frustrated, but not fragile
i dnt care if again, i lose
but one things for sure
u would hav been bitten by my shoes!
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
A nice poetic imagination, Pooja. You may like to read my poem, Love and Lust. Thanks