Some Dreams Must Be Followed Poem by Chris Embrick

Some Dreams Must Be Followed

Sometimes your dreams must be followed
Don't dismiss all your night travels
Treat the deepest thoughts as hallowed
Don't be too quick to drop the gavel

Don't dismiss all your night travels
Dreams may lead to your heart's treasure
Don't be too quick to drop the gavel
Desire may come in dreams of pleasure

Dreams may lead to your heart's treasure
At life's crossroads seek direction
Desire may come from dreams of pleasure
Listen for your heart's rejection

At life's crossroads seek direcion
Your dream may be a game changer
Listen for your heart's rejection
To your conscience be no stranger

Your dream may be a game changer
Treat your deepest thoughts as hallowed
To your conscience be no stranger
Sometimes your dreams must be followed.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: conscience,destiny,dreams,wisdom
Lodigiana 27 July 2018

What an impressive and inspirational work this is Chris! Personally, I find a Pantoum difficult to write as it's tricky maintaining the storyline and rhythm flow- but you have achieved both! . I salute you and thank you for sharing such a remarkable, readable and sensitive piece. +++10

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Chris Embrick

Chris Embrick

Commerce, Georgia
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