Some Reposts Dedicated To The Earth Day-3 Poem by Indira Renganathan

Some Reposts Dedicated To The Earth Day-3

1 Bhudevi Is In Fear And Mayhem(For children)
(conversational poem-skit)

Earth To Sun

'Oh Suryadev, won't you move away further?
Your overheating can't anymore me nurture'

'Oh Bhudevi, you've said this so many times
With which I can not at all rhyme'

'Suryadev, I'm already enough old and weak
Scorched and parched how can I be still meek? '

'Devi, may you better ask your Lord
For I am to accept my destined yard'


Earth To Lord Vishnu

'Your Majesty, my Lord Vishnu
Your consort, I have a plea to you'

'Devi, what is it that bothers you now
Tell me, I shall solve it somehow'

'My Lord, I'm burnt to death by the sun
May You keep him a little away and caution? '

'Ha ha, is it possible? no, he's not the cause
Ask Sridevi for your loss, she may know the cause'


Sun To Earth

'Bhudevi, what did your Lord tell
Did He accept that all is well? '

'Oh Suryadev, He just asked me to ask Sridevi
But no where she is seen.. gone just carefree'

'Ha, Devi, it's you who is careless
Letting your human race heartless'

'What do you mean oh Fire Ball
Just you alone can cause this drought's sprawl'

'I'm sorry Devi, better ask the forest
And the river, it's my behest'


Earth To Herself

'Oh my Fate, couldn't you have been good
My flora, fauna all gone.. what went so rude'

Sun To Earth

'Devi, it's your human children who destroyed..
Deforested, polluted in gangs employed

'There's no green, so no transpiration
So no rains.. take it to the Lord's attention'


Earth To Herself

'Oh my fate, Sridevi is gone
Now I know why she is gone'

'How will I tell this to my Lord
How will He solve all in accord'


Earth To Lord Vishnu

'My dear Lord, I'm feeling a misery
The drought because of a devilry'

'Our human children have turned bad
Have done away with me so mad'

Lord Vishnu To Earth

'All I know Devi, so, it's not the sun
But just by the immoral humans'

'Let them repent punished well, I shall wait
Till they become good, may you too wait'


Earth Keeps Wailing

'I'm parched all over, dehydrated
This deadly thirst, I'm frustrated'

'My supplication, my imploration
Please humans, save me from expiration'

'So painful, wailful, I'm sinking
Painful, wailful, sinking, sinking'


On Mother's Day

Some youths in a restaurant gather
They talk, talk, talk on a matter

Where and where to go shopping
What and what to choose buying...

A gift suitable to her mother
One wants to buy and ideas smother

As ideas over do she gets perplexed
Unable to end with the best so confused

But one boy outbursts sarcastically
'Hey, you buy a water can trendily'

A thunder of laughter thrills them
But slams Earth who's in fear and mayhem

Note: -Bhudevi is Earth.Sridevi is her wealth.As per Hindu mythology they are the two symbolized wives of Lord Vishnu
2 Chant The Hymn

No debate on
Which flag is beautiful

Nor a fight on
Which flag is strong

All hands as one hand
To hold one flag


Strength like
Mother's love
Fortitude like
Father's motto
Support like
Life's breath

God has hidden
The purest white
Man....only man
Has discovered it

All hands as one hand
To hold one flag

The flag of Peace
Purest white
Spotless and pristine

Chant the hymn eternal

'Hail To Thee Mother Earth
Hail To Thee Mother Peace'
3 A Prayer For Peace

Oh Durga, valour thine best may rise and fight
Oh Mother, vanquish evil, scare it away, then
May thine raged heart calm, may thine hands sow deep love
Peace thence to spring upon the breast of this earth

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