A Recipe(Uneven Couplet) -
The uneven couplet is paired lines of different length
rhymed or unrhymed, metered or unmetered.
Wake up o'Lord, it's winter's vernal shine
Dawning to be consecrated with mercy Thine
Whilst yet a darkling sky's in full moon shine
In tardy treads it's pinking too fine
In that top corner of the house
A cobweb swaying in breeze
What made the breeze become the wind
A foul play..it blew butting blind
Life seems old
And falling
Which hand's there
The moment I think of you I hear
A replicated voice of yours
Perhaps a distant nightingale..
Perhaps it's you that nightingale
Wind bursts, orange fire curtains
Sweeping the land fueled blazes
There, in Arctic and Antartic a disintegrity
Cuts of ice, the size of a small country
Vegetables on the chopping board
Inaugurate a television recital..
I chop chop
Recital going on
Vagabond the husband..
Job to job, place to place
Loitering in unsteady wandering
His own wishful ideology
Butterflies in her
She's not able to