Some Sage Poem by M.J. Lemon

Some Sage

Rating: 5.0

Some sage once said
and I cannot recall the name
that good writing is making sure
one is writing with the feeling
one is about to die

that leaves so little time

so what I have left to say will
almost certainly be short
and I can only hope it will be profound

Kevin Patrick 12 July 2024

Life is the short flame on the shorter wick. It flickers briefly then out forever, so what we say and what we do must be said with passion and conviction. It is sage advice, art leaves a piece of us when that flame is gone.

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M.J. Lemon 16 July 2024

'Out out brief candle.' You said it so well, Kevin. When the flame expires, the art remains.

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Unwritten Soul 05 July 2024

What is deep only can be found by who willing to dive. What is simple cant be seen by any complicated mind. Time is short, but too expensive for those who doesnt realise it. Say it loud M.J. Lemon. Mark your seconds in word form.

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M.J. Lemon 10 July 2024

Thank you Soul. What you say about the complicated mind is profound.

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p3the effort to make time go nights sleepless steal time, even if none then read those words never posted published, was woth all effort all sacrifice the poet write the read reads, none read words poetry never written

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I wrote the poem 'None Read Words Poetry Never Written', inspired by the poem 'Some Sage', by the poet by M.J. Lemon and dedicated to M.J. Lemon.

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p2yes there were times of no time busy studying working demands in trade professional careers, fate sealed shut sometimes months a few years with no writing, but the effort to find time to write when could,

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I wrote the poem 'Nights Sleepless Steal Time', inspired by the poem 'Some Sage', by the poet by M.J. Lemon and dedicated to M.J. Lemon.

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p1when I was young I was told forget about writing poetry today, wait write when you retire when you have time for writing, I ignored this foolish advise neither time nor poetry waits, there is no certainty in a miscellaneous unwritten tomorrow,

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I wrote the poem 'Poets Restless Claim A Season Of Writing' and split image 'Neither Time Nor Poetry Waits', inspired by the poem 'Some Sage', by the poet by M.J. Lemon and dedicated to M.J. Lemon.

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