Sometimes In My Dream There Is A Boat Poem by Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America

Sometimes In My Dream There Is A Boat

sometimes in my dream there is a boat

I cannot see; I know it's there by the sound

of the waves slapping against boat.

it is a most patient boat. it's sturdy, unpainted.

something unperturbed about it.

and it's firmly tted to the dock,

a kind of rowboat.

once in a while I see a kind of light

limning the oars; no one in it.

my boat is patient. every minute

it waits for me. unconcernedly

having its own reverie.

I know one day

I will step all silvery there. it will be time then.

the sky of orchids going down.

over the waters, a vagueness,

something I should have said

but no matter now.

someday I will look out and see

a night with one star

and lingering fades; and singing....

my muse torn in two which shore which shore

is mine

almost I will cry and then

like a child I will forget.what I began

why was I crying with the clouds smoothed over.

why was I crying in my dream

why can't I remember

the whole thing.

mary angela douglas 28 may 2018

Monday, May 28, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: boat,dream,question
Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America
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