Song Of Despair Poem by Timothy Long

Song Of Despair

You can't blame yourself to be too goodhearted,
In a kingdom of rotten souls,
That's the sadness of the paper and pen,
Fiction can't take away the pain of reality.
A hundred days have made me older,
A thousand lies have made me colder,
It's a beautiful day,
It's a beautiful life,
Everything is all right,
There is no strife,
I survived,
Not for long,
Not as long as I wanted,
New Year's come too slow,
A life worth wasted.
The love will not come any longer,
The loneliness will become a mere boredom,
The changes we seek never do pass,
Like life going through a magnifying glass,
I don't know how much time has passed,
It feels like forever,
I'm not afraid to grieve,
It's my right to weep,
So this is my life,
I want you to know I am both happy and sad,
One has to figure out how to be,
Those who speak about one's sadness are hurt,
Those that are silent hurt more,
There are different types of sadness's,
Those that are sad around others,
And those that are sad alone,
I've been changed forever by this deal,
If I did not,
I'd be liable to sink us both,
The memories are home to me,
That's all there is left,
The tears are no longer there,
Nor is any smile,
The stories we once laughed at,
Becomes sadder the more we look back at them,
I no longer love,
But perhaps I will love again,
Love is short,
And in eternity is too long,
This may be the last pain life causes me,
And this may be the last poem I will write for life.

Timothy Long

Timothy Long

Auburn, New York
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