Sonnet Lxvi: The Night-Flood Rakes Poem by Charlotte Smith

Sonnet Lxvi: The Night-Flood Rakes

Rating: 3.2

The night-flood rakes upon the stony shore;
Along the rugged cliffs and chalky caves
Mourns the hoarse Ocean, seeming to deplore
All that are buried in his restless waves—
Mined by corrosive tides, the hollow rock
Falls prone, and rushing from its turfy height,
Shakes the broad beach with long-resounding shock,
Loud thundering on the ear of sullen Night;
Above the desolate and stormy deep,
Gleams the wan Moon, by floating mist opprest;
Yet here while youth, and health, and labour sleep,
Alone I wander—Calm untroubled rest,
"Nature's soft nurse," deserts the sigh-swoln breast,
And shuns the eyes, that only wake to weep!

Dijon Noble 22 February 2012

I enjoyed this poem, very eloquent

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Ramesh T A 22 February 2012

Nature and man in harmony immerse grief with a sigh of relief as the waves of sea do on a night poet knows pretty well to say in this beautiful sonnet!

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Jake_sucker 08 December 2020

This poem is bad ngl

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Sara Kendrick 06 March 2018

I am glad that I learned about this author. Her work is refreshing. Sara

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Josh Thomas 22 February 2014

That last line is poetry defined.

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Thyris Taylor 22 February 2012

Powerful imagery, and stirs the emoitions. Loved it.

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Jasjiv Singh 22 February 2012

Shows how in touch with nature were the poets back then. Beautiful description! I also liked the rhyming style (abab cdcd efefef) , akin to how Shakespeare wrote. To me it seems the poet has put in extra effort when it is rhymed.

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