Sorry For Your (Stupid) Loss Poem by Randy McClave

Sorry For Your (Stupid) Loss

You truly knew better
You were informed and also told in a letter,
And you knew exactly what to do
But, you believed the lies that were told to you.
You listen to the people who didn't know the facts
As they put on their false acts,
And all their lies you quickly believed
By them you were easily and wantonly deceived.
But, think why would anybody want to lie
Why would strangers want you to die,
Then when the facts to you were introduced
You laughed as if being amused.
Remember this, when it is that time and season
You always took and pushed the flu vaccine for a reason,
So, that you or your family would not get ill
And for other protections, you took a pill.
I will not send you any pity
You were informed by professionals and their committee,
Unto you no one had lied
I'm so sorry because from your stupidity that you died.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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