Spam~mail- My Best Friend! Poem by Chuy Amante

Spam~mail- My Best Friend!

My Spam Box is by far my favorite box!
Everyday a new love note
from another hot fox!

So much love so much fun,
who needs more or anyone?

My fans there all love me
they offer free watches
Free drugs and sex

But I am a bit suspicious now
none have arrived, why, how?
Hmmm a bit vexed...?

Each day their promises of greater prowess,
wealth, girls, watches, and lots of group sex

It is a bit confusing,
feels like me they're abusing,
all those promises of jewels and fun
I got a feeling from the pit of Satan!

To not continually get me too frustrated,
To the trash! They are now relegated!

Sunday, May 4, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Chuy Amante

Chuy Amante

You are Perfect!
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