Spin Me In A Teacup. Poem by nicky joyce

Spin Me In A Teacup.

Rating: 4.5

Spin me in a tea cup
Spin me round and round
Spin me till I lose my memory
Spin me till I lose my frown

Spin me in a tea cup
Spin me very fast
Spin me till I feel dizzy
Spin me so I forget the past

Spin me in a tea cup
Spin me till it stops
Spin me however you want
Spin me until I drop

Spin me in a teacup
Spin me like the wind
Spin me like a tornado
Spin me till my face only grins

Spin me in a teacup
Spin me till I know
Spin me till u tell me
Spin me that you do love me so

Spin me in a teacup
Spin me and say
Spin me and tell me
Spin me u want to stay

Spin me in a teacup
Spin me one last time
Spin me till u realise
Spin me till you open your eyes

Spin me in a teacup
Spin me the way you did
Spin me like you first met me
Spin me I so wish you would.

Spin me in a teacup
Spin me and laugh
Spin me you know you want to
Spin me and forget your past

Spin me in a teacup
Spin me and listen well
Spin me please I beg you
Spin me my friend once that was in hell

Spin me in a teacup
Spin me and let yourself go
Spin me and trust me
Spin me I won’t let you go

Victoria Gauci 20 January 2012

Outstanding! A wonderful concept. Great job!

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Michael Lampp 20 January 2012

This poem is awesome, I love it. Keep up the good work.

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