**spiritual Knowledge(Chapter Of Muraqaba/Meditation) ** Poem by SAKISABRE Saki

**spiritual Knowledge(Chapter Of Muraqaba/Meditation) **

Muraqana of Kanyaat in the Ub Latifa: -

(latifa a subtle mouth of the body)
Ub the watery part of the body...
blood, puss, juice etc are ub...
kanayaat means satisfaction in small amount..
how to practice the muraqaba: -
utter the niyat and be connected with the net of him whom you vowed...do zali zikr atleast 100 times then khafi...apply will power as let my ub be prevailed on Allah hoo Allah zikr...
as usual hit ub by Allah sound & remove its bad habits by the sweeping of hoo sound...
let my inner watery party do zkr of allah like the outer world water mass
...all things do zikr even water, trees, rocks, soil....
let the wave of Allah zikr be be started in my watery part of the body...
you will feel tickling in the body or itching tendency in the inner part of the body...
your luck has been created 50 thousand years before your birth
....so why frustration/greed/dissatisfaction with things/money/opportunity... ub always instigate to be dissatisfied & frustrated..
you cannot increase an inch of your lot..
One day Hujur sal lal lahoo alaihi wah sallam became bored with scarcity of life for the wives instigation...
Allah sent Zibril (as) as to propose if the whole Arabs be made gold but Hujur saws understood his wrong & begin to weep saying i shall eat one day then the other day half fed or empty but no luxury..
In this way some times long time even the whole month there was no cooking in Rasool saws's house..
only dates & water was their food for many months..hearing this incident woorwaah - nephew of Ayisha rta wept and asked how they passed their life?
She (ayisha rta) answered sometimes eating dates, some times water!
recitation of Allah sound will create His(saws) good habits in the Saalik! !

(ub, atosh, khak, baad and khwala are body constituents... need to be purified by Zikr to grow good habits)

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