Stop Reading My Poem! Poem by Denis Martindale

Stop Reading My Poem!

Hey, you, stop reading my poem!
It's private, just for me!
It's not been written on a whim,
Like plain old poetry...
It's magical and lyrical
And so much more besides,
In fact, it's like a miracle
In which this poet prides...

Hey, you, these words are mine alone,
Be off with you, I say!
Go on, just leave me on my own,
Please kindly scoot away...
It's true, my poem's quite unique,
But it's still on the go!
The thing's not finished, please don't peek!
You nosey so-n-so...

Are you still here! ? No privacy!
No privacy at all...
I guess that's just not meant to be,
No matter how I stall...
I'm testing out my short, short lines,
Rehearsing rhymes at best,
Still writing stuff for highbrow minds,
So that they're feeling blessed...

I'll upload to the Internet
As soon as my job's done,
Till then, be patient, please don't fret,
That takes away the fun!
Just one more verse, I'm almost through,
Please leave, no need to fear...
Excuse me, I'm talking to you!
Yes, you, 'cos you're still here!

Denis Martindale, copyright, February 2012.

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