Stream Is Streaming Wisdom Poem by Kumarmani Mahakul

Stream Is Streaming Wisdom

Rating: 5.0

Soul is just like a stream of light,
Awakening this morning in truth,
Conscience is shining in tenderness,
Soul is flowing like further a stream.

Soul is streaming to give wisdom,
He has gained this in this new day,
Favouring colourful hopes of life,
Soul is streaming values and virtues.

Soul has acquired wisdom from God,
Every day he revises and revives in care,
Practicing more he becomes efficient,
Gifting knowledge to others is good.

Selflessly he serves for all free of cost,
He is very affectionate to God ever,
Being God's child he holds purity,
Stream of light sings eternal song.

© Kumarmani Mahakul,15 August,2017. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: nature,perception,spiritual,wisdom
Kumarmani Mahakul 09 April 2020

Dear poets, thank you very much for taking time and commenting. Your effort is highly appreciated. May God bring happiness for you..@ Wisdom

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Pushpendra Patel 04 March 2019

Stream of wisdom we get from God. God gives us wisdom and we feel his mercy. Swinging in his wisdom is our fortune. We love God very much. With love and hope we are growing with him. This is a great poem and you are a nice poet.

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Dr Antony Theodore 30 December 2018

Selflessly he serves for all free of cost, He is very affectionate to God ever, purity, stream of light, generosity. readiness to help the needy....... a great poem with sublime thoughts. tony

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Edward Kofi Louis 24 March 2018

Like a stream of light! ! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Ranjan Kumar Ghosh 18 January 2018

Soul is streaming to give wisdom, He has gained this in this new day, Favouring colourful hopes of life, Soul is streaming values and virtues. Sir this poem is very memorable 10++++(++++

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Kumarmani Mahakul

Kumarmani Mahakul

Gandam, Dist-Deogarh, Odisha, INDIA
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