Street Justice Is Horrid And Barbaric Poem by Hebert Logerie

Street Justice Is Horrid And Barbaric

Rating: 5.0

Street justice is unjust, inhuman and satanic
This is outright injustice, not justice
Even though the judicial system is archaic
Discriminatory and full of flaws, vices and lies
The defective legal system is more civilized than street justice
Punks, thugs, goons, hoodlums, and vandals have no morals
Thieves, gangsters, and corrupt politicians are criminals
Two "wrongs" don't make it right
Murdering people or street execution on sight
Are uncivilized, sinful and outright illegal
Vigilantism is unacceptable and immoral
Torturing, burning and beating up citizens in the streets
Are bad for our society.Let the State kill the cheats
In accordance with criminal laws, statutes and codes
Cats should not kill cats. People steal and commit frauds
All the time. Not all crimes deserve the death penalty
There should be a fair and equitable legal system everywhere
File charges, sue and follow the commandments of the Creator
"Thou shall not steal or kill"
Remember that sword is made of steel
Violence is evil, it is not the answer
But love is precisely the panacea, the answer.

Copyright © May 2019, HébertLogerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems.

Thursday, May 2, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: injustice
Bryony Sheldon 02 May 2019

Fantastic poem, Unfortunately my home is plagued with street " justice" . Looking forward to reading more from you!

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