Stress Poem by Francis Duggan


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A knot in your stomach and your health in a mess
And it has been somewhile since you've known happiness
And your worrying over problems do not make them less
And your life is controlled by the thing known as stress.

I once knew a young woman and she not unlike you
Had problems in plenty and few happy moments knew
But her bottled up stress gnawed at her inside
And she developed cancer and in her thirties she died.

Her worrying did not make her stress go away
And her children they still mourn her passing today
Her problems not that big but she made them great
And when her cancer was diagnosed for her 'twas too late.

The sheer stress of living on many take toll
It eats at your heart and it gnaws at your soul
By worrying you only can make yourself ill
And if old age doesn't take you then stress surely will.

His business not doing well the tycoon felt sad
When he thought of the good times and the success he had
And when he took his own life due to unhappiness
He became another statistic of stress.

It gnaws at your stomach, your heart, soul and brain
And the more that you worry the more strength it gain
And it kills off your humour and your laughter suppress
That horrible bug that we all know as stress.

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