Summer, sunlight, warm and calm
Berries in the grass
All the world is in my palm
Specially for us
On the surface of the lake
Covered with a mist
Neither doubt nor mistake
Ever could exist
Someone earns his daily bread
Being taught by God
Somewhere people, going mad,
Shed their brothers' blood
As for me I take a chance
Spend my idle day
Staring high to catch your glance
Listening if you say
There's no matter for complaint
One may spend and spare
I can be a holy saint
I can trade in shares
I can paint my life in verse
I can break or mend
All is senseless just because
Nought is in the end
Have no power to forget
What I am and seem
Like an asymptote of that
Which I call my dream
As if looking through the lens
At the changing shape:
Winter, darkness, iron fence
Nowhere to escape
(St. Petersburg, July 27 2014)
Hi Galina I like to come back to poems, re-read and re-assess. And this is the kind of seasonal poem that I stronly relate to, in which the season itself provides part of the poem's meaning. And if summer means anything, it means freedom! Just being able to go outside and enjoy the warmth is liberating, but also being able to linger outside - spend an idle day, as you put it - is wonderful. In the stanza about idle day there is that recurrent presence in your poems, a figure not fully described, off to the side but still very present to you - STARING HIGH TO CATCH YOUR EYE./LISTENING IF YOU SAY. You're never completely alone.
The first two stanzas convey the mood and atmosphere of summer in a way I can fully appreciate. I felt the summer air envelop me as I read the lines and that immersion in summer weather stayed with me even though the poem got darker toward the end. Watching a lake covered in mist eliminated doubt and made violence unthinkable. These are all the wonderful gifts of summer. But then world rushes in with problems and even violence. It's good you internalized summer but the world shakes the poem and destroys the summer mood.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
A powerful and deep statement of life that has promise but lurking in a future is a darker winter that one cannot escape. I like espacially the line: All is senseless just because Nought is in the end