Summer In The County Poem by grace mariner

Summer In The County

Dreams of childhood summers illuminate my mind like the glow of fireflies in the orchard.
Time spent with my dad.
Time spent with my family.
Carnivals and county fairs under cotton candy skies.
The sweetness of lemonade in an antique crock.
Cousins swinging, singing for hours.
That lake water glistening dark green and brown, dotted with inner tubes...
we lazily floated and shared dreams that for most were never realized.
Kids in pajamas and sneakers swing and play, waiting for the drive in movie to start.
Watching the fire mans parade sitting on my dads lap.
Loving that sound of the majorettes metal taps against the hard asphalt, their batons glistening in that evening sun, their uniforms exotic and colorful like a parrots wings.
Silver queen corn and Maryland tomatoes dressed almost every summer dinner.
Moms fruit pies and home made ice cream.
Back yard cook outs every weekend with dad manning the grill
The scramble for change when that familiar jingle of the Good Humor truck came through town.
Watching the fireworks from the dock, believing the rich folks did that every year just for us.
So many memories of family gone for so many years, I still see their young happy faces.
Summers are not the same now.
The hardness of life has taken or changed so many of us.
But in my mind I can still go back and for a few moments lose myself in that innocent time again.
I only hope I was able to make some memories for my own kids that they can someday go to when they need to smile

Grace Burke 21 May 2015

Very moving. I too remember those days and mourn their loss

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